Our partner Brno multi-genre agency. In addition to comprehensive services, it also operates its own Black Hornet Radio!

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It’s impossible without photos. And we have an excellent photographer, for example our last photo shoot from April 2024 speaks for itself

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Clips, animations, design proposals… Everything about graphics and video is delivered by Woll Design to the best „musician addresses“. When we know what we want – we know we’ll get it. Long-term satisfaction for us!

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KLUBOOFKA was created due to the unhappy situation in the cultural sphere. It mainly helps Czech, Slovak and other foreign bands to get closer to their fans. Thanks for that!

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A bit of a „casual acquaintance“. With coffee, he goes to Brutal Assault, MOR, for example. Backstage they also made coffee for Six Feet Under, Destruction. They make coffee for several bands under their brand. Just our blood-coffee group…

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Partner company of the Otrokovice roastery, which takes Otrokovice coffee mainly to music festivals. They will also take care of the Black Hornet Production e-shop. Well, we finally agreed on a new version of our website…

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